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Breakfast with Dave

May 3, 2021 @ 5:42 pm

A monthly report designed to produce actionable investment ideas based on our proprietary models. The report covers a wide range of asset classes and sectors and will help investors identify shifts and opportunities in the investment landscape.

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Carry On My Wayward Traveler!

August 25, 2023

Before I delve into detail in this personal vignette, please remember that these were the days before yours truly became a road […]

Union Dave

March 21, 2023

It was the summer of ‘81. And not one that I will ever forget. Not exactly the best days of my life. I had just completed my second year at the University of Toronto, doing my undergraduate degree in economics. As with anyone at the ripe young age of 21, I thought I knew it all…

Dave's Personal Notes

Life with Father

September 20, 2022

At this time of year, in the lead-up to the High Holidays, I think back to my childhood when I used to sit next to my dear dad in the synagogue. As he stood to say the solemn prayers, I would be right beside him hiding under his prayer shawl (“tallit”) and hugging his leg. That intense feeling of safety and security has never gone away.

Dave's Personal Notes

In Recognition of Jack Rivkin and How He Took Lehman Research to the TOP in the 1980s (Hint from Shania: “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!”)

May 12, 2022

Those who knew the Wall Street legend, Jack Rivkin, will surely appreciate my sentiment that this is someone deserving of […]

Dave's Personal Notes

On Kindness 

December 22, 2021

This was a rough year for everything outside the equity market and I say good riddance to 2021 just as […]

Dave's Personal Notes

Wining, Not Whining: Overcoming Fear and a Tip of the Bottle to Leslie Rudd

October 20, 2021

When I’m asked how I got through these past twenty months of the pandemic with my sanity intact, the answer […]

The Summer Job That Changed My Life — Selling Weed (Spray)

August 16, 2021

I figured that since we’re still in summertime, I would share with everyone the summer job that changed everything for […]

Dave's Personal Notes

My Very First Business Trip: Tea and Taboo in Tokyo

June 10, 2021

Recently, I was having a cocktail on the backyard deck with my youngest of three boys, Michael. I had just […]

On Perseverence

April 13, 2021

Last Thursday, I was being interviewed on CNBC when I was told thatmy views were diametrically opposed to the consensus […]

The Chief Economist’s Speech

December 21, 2020

If you have never seen the movie The King’s Speech, I highly recommend it alongside the reruns of It’s a […]

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